Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas knitting is D-O-N-E!!!!

yay. so excited to finally be done with my Christmas knitting. I have made:

- 4 of these hats (for my nephews, initials on the inside of each so they know whose is whose)
- 1 of this hat (for my dad, though I'm going to add some ear flaps since its not long enough to cover the husband's ears at this point)
- 2 calorimetry's (one for a friend's birthday, one for my niece's mom)
- 1 purse that I semi-designed but its based loosely off the Marsupial Tote in Stitch N Bitch (for my 12 yr old niece)
- 2 Megan's braid's hats (for my 7 and 2 yr old nieces)
- 1 cell phone holder with strap (for mom)
- 1 pair of Cigar gloves (oldest brother)
- 1 Entwined (for sister in law)

I think that's it. I have pictures of most on the camera, but for some reason its not working again. sigh. now I just need to write down washing instructions, wrap the gifts, put them in a box and mail them to my parent's house. mission accomplished to have this done before little girl was born.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Wow, I'm amazed and jealous. Hooray for being done!